Our first camping turned out to be very decent camping. If you want to try the place for your family's first camping, then Martin Dies Jr. Park is the recommended choice. From Houston, take US Highway 59 north to Livingston, and then travel east on US Highway 190 for 65 miles to the park via Park Road 48.
We got there two weeks before Thanksgiving 2009. The forecasting was uncertain with rain and cold. The D-Day... aha... It was no rain nor cold (about 60s midnight) . The weather was just on our side :-) The sky was clear and you could see star (a lot of shooting stars) at night.
I recommended the place is mostly due to the lavatory facilities. They maintain "very" clean restroom (an hourly basis, I think). Also, they have hot water for shower. It's good start for the first time outdoor activities. In fact, if you feel comfy sleep in a cabin, they also have cabin with several options. It's better to reserve it.
Our Camp Site
Two tents have enough for 6 adults and 4 kids. One small tent for our equipment.

Beautiful scene!

One thing that you may need to be aware of is alligator. You will see the sign all across the park. In the early morning, my wife and my daughter heard splashing water jump off to the water just near our camp site. Woooooo scary...... ho...ho...hoooo

Fishing? We have tried many times fishing in the lake, river and got nothing. That's the reason we always go to Ocean (Pier/Jetty) for fishing. Martin Dies Jr. Park has broken our record. It was the first time, we caught fish (Perch and Bass) not in the Ocean.

They have cleaning facilities. Awesome.

Dinner is the most exciting activities during camping. We played "Guess Who", Card, Domino etc. Grill the fish, chicken, corn, hot cocoa, .... just you like it.

In the morning? Breakfast time. Indomie Bakso...wow.. yummy!

Sport activities? You name it. The park has those facilities: Swimming pool, Football, Basketball, Soccer, Volley ball, Hiking, Biking, Canoeing, etc.

The most important thing is "having fun for everyone, building and maintaining family bonds". It is worth it to take two-days off (Saturday and Sunday) from your daily work and play with your kids. Those days will be remembered not only by your kids, but also by YOU, especially when your kids start moving out away from you. The spirit of togetherness is getting harder (physically) when the kids grow and have their own lives. It is obvious, time for togetherness has limit. How do you use it before reaching that limit?
Preparing everything in detail is always good advice to provide best experience and impression for the entire families.
Preparing everything in detail is always good advice to provide best experience and impression for the entire families.

Not only kids, but also adults....

Martin Dies Jr. Park, the recommended place for the first time camping for family. Those pictures above were taken by Mr. Germawan Slamet. Thank you for sharing the photo Om Remy. (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, March 13, 2010)
1 comment:
Miss that place so much Mas Prahoro..
Lea just ask to go for a camping trip couple hours ago before I saw this post..
100% agree with mas Prahoro.. Make memories NOW for an unregretful tomorrow..
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