Sunday, May 05, 2013

Burung Itu Terbang (Bagian 4 - Tamat)

BAGIAN 4 (Tamat)

Son, this is the last chapter of the total four sequel stories. The first chapter (BAGIAN 1) brought you back to where you were. The last two chapters (BAGIAN 2 and 3) shaped who you were. Utilize your time flawlessly, before moving from one chapter to another. You do not want to break the chain just by skipping the reading, do you? (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, May 5, 2013)

Hidup manusia ini memang sangat-sangat singkat. Sesingkat mata berkedip. Tahu-tahu sudah pukul 5 sore, padahal masih banyak tugas kantor yang belum terselesaikan. Tahu-tahu sudah hari minggu malam, padahal baru saja kemarin rasanya istirahat dari capeknya kerja seminggu. Tahu-tahu anak akan masuk ke college padahal rasanya baru saja kemarin kita gendong dia. Dan, masih banyak tahu-tahu... tahu-tahu... yang lain seabreg yang kita baru menyadarinya belakangan.

”Tahu-tahu” adalah salah satu bentuk dari ”keteledoran” kita dimana tabiat manusia yang selalu bermain dengan waktu dan sering lupa bahwa waktu bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa ditawar atau di-bargain. Karena begitu lewat waktu Maghrib, sholat sampeyan bukan lagi sholat Maghrib namanya, tapi sudah menjadi bagian sholat Isha. Demikian juga seterusnya.

Waktu akan terus berputar, tidak peduli berapapun harga bargaining yang sampeyan tawarkan untuk membuatnya berhenti, walaupun itu hanya untuk sesaat saja. Ini adalah tik-tok-tik-tok dari Alloh dimana you just cannot bargain it. You live with it. Nafas kita sejalan dengan tik-tok-tik-tok tadi. Ketika tik-tok-tik-tok berhenti, maka berhentilah jantung kita. Jadi, jangan sekali-sekali menawar harga untuk tik-tok-tik-tok ini kalau sampeyan belum mengukur resiko yang nanti akan sampeyan hadapi.

Burung Itu Terbang (Bagian 3)


Family bonding is a must to do. That is not an optional. Life is short, even too short for blinking our eye. Seems like yesterday we played soccer together at the apartment.  Now, you are about to start college. Time flies so fast.

As for bonding, just keep it in mind, in every event, if everyone in the family enjoys it, then you need to keep it that way. On the other hand, if only one of them enjoys it, you need to think again whether this is the right activity to continue.  (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, May 5, 2013)

Burung Itu Terbang (Bagian 2)


It is human nature. Someone will go in and out from your life. The fact is I know from the beginning that the time will come.  I hold him every night and day just to be in no doubt: When the time really comes, I will be ready.  As a matter of fact, I have never been ready for this. I wished I could, but I certainly cannot dominate his life just for the sake of my self-esteem.

He needs to learn and will face his own challenge in this world and how prepare it for the day after.

I am writing the story not only to show how much I love him, but also to let him know how much I really care about him. Wallohi, it does matter for me, but I do not really care whether he will make daily do’a for me after my funeral. To tell the truth, what does really concern me is whether I have provided better preparation for him before I let him out. Cause, out there is the real life. It is jungle out there.

Before he flies far away, I want him to know how grateful I am to have him in my life. I am not asking him more than what he has given to me: Pride. (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, May 5, 2013)

Burung Itu Terbang (Bagian 1)


Son, starting today, you are lawfully indorsed as an adult. Like it or not, this is point of no return. Consequently, you hold your own responsibility. Under this circumstance, be very careful with any act you perform because you will be asked for the accountability. I cannot be at your place to any further extent.

I deliberately did not give you a present for this year birthday. Well, I am sorry for that. Indeed, starting from today onward, you are not entitled anymore for those kinds of senseless gifts. Believe me, those are fakes.

As a substitute, without being cheap, I give you this Personal Notes as everlasting birthday present. At some point, if I miss your birthday in the future, you can still read this story again and again :-). Besides, you need to learn more literature in Bahasa Indonesia :-). As a hint, the full messages are within the words, between the lines. You will not precisely find the genuine meaning of the story if you just “plainly” read it. Wish you find the true message behind the story. Happy Birthday My Son! (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, May 5, 2013)

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


For the last couple weeks, Indonesian local media has been dominated by the story of Eyang Subur, his 7 wife(s) and his klenik ability. Moreover, the recent rumor (or hoax?) after revealing many famous artists, comedians, government officials used to be Eyang Subur’s apprentices, including the prominent Governor of DKI Jakarta Mr. Jokowi, has set a booster to place it to the top lists of infotainment news.  

What is Klenik? In my childhood, Klenik is a phrase that associates with supernatural.

I am writing this column not to defend Eyang Subur (believe me I am not a member of his cult :-)), but it is merely to see how this kind of activities are common in Indonesia. Furthermore, it is required extra work and proper knowledge to see why this is happening in our society than just saying, “Eyang… you are misguided.” It will not solve the problem by putting him in jail or giving him fine. This is not like another spotlight case when you are speeding in highway over 90 MPH, you will get ticket and jail. The issue is more on socio-culture problem that has been there for quite long time and there are many kind of “Eyang Subur” out there.