For the last couple weeks, Indonesian local media has been dominated by the story of Eyang Subur, his 7 wife(s) and his klenik ability. Moreover, the recent rumor (or hoax?) after revealing many famous artists, comedians, government officials used to be Eyang Subur’s apprentices, including the prominent Governor of DKI Jakarta Mr. Jokowi, has set a booster to place it to the top lists of infotainment news.
What is Klenik? In my childhood, Klenik is a phrase that associates with supernatural.
I am writing this column not to defend Eyang Subur (believe me I am not a member of his cult :-)), but it is merely to see how this kind of activities are common in Indonesia. Furthermore, it is required extra work and proper knowledge to see why this is happening in our society than just saying, “Eyang… you are misguided.” It will not solve the problem by putting him in jail or giving him fine. This is not like another spotlight case when you are speeding in highway over 90 MPH, you will get ticket and jail. The issue is more on socio-culture problem that has been there for quite long time and there are many kind of “Eyang Subur” out there.
History shows that Islam is not the first religion comes in Indonesia. Many heritages support the evidence that Hindus came earlier in Indonesia. Even before Hindus, our ancestor believed in animism (spirit/soul) and dynamism (pagan). The manifestation of this belief has dragged them to perform ritual ceremony that lead to mystic. The leader of the ceremony is believed to have so much power (magic) that can control human nature. Indonesia is not the only places where people believe in this kind of mystic. There are many other places such as Egypt, India, Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Greece, Great Britain, and a lot more. What was there is the same happening here in our culture.
In his book, The Knight Templars and Freemasonry, Harun Yahya talked in detail the story of Mason and how this relates to Pagan. One of the findings in his book is during Crusade there was a special task forces of Crusaders that had main responsibility to secure an area where they found the script of Nabi Sulaiman (Prophet Solomon Alaihi Salam). They believed the script contains a bridge of communication (to command) between Human and Jin (Genie). They interpreted the script in a way to over power others. Hereditary, the script was kept as the most precious treasure that full of mystic and, of course, power of magic also come along.
Talking about magic, this is not something new in this century. Holy book Al-Qur'an acknowledged about Magic being used by Firaun’s Sorcerer against Prophet Moses Alaihi Salam. So, Magic indeed is exist and has been there for long time ago.
Nowadays, you can not deny that many malpractices of black magic like Santet (“send” a nail to human body), Gendam (hypnotism), Susuk (to make someone “look attractive”) or Pelet (to make someone else falling in love) are still exist in our society. If you are a follower concept of “seeing is believing”, then you will not believe it until you see it yourself or when you become a victim.
It is obvious that knowledge of Aqidah (Iman) is the most important aspect to put more attention within our society. I am not an Imam nor Syeikh, in my simple definition (you may have different one), Aqidah is "believing without seeing". Lacking this knowledge, it is only a matter of time to slip into Sirik (Shirk). Unfortunately, this kind of approach has been overlooked by many of us.
Our religious education is more focusing on ritual ceremony itself: how to perform sholat, how to perform Hajj, how to read and memorize Al-Quran, and so on. You can add the list to two pages and will still going on and on. We are not well educated to relate any daily activity with our belief. We are not well trained to unite our action anywhere, anytime. We equip ourselves with an automatic switch button on how we act depending on the place and situation. In other word, we are living in double standard dimension. The “so very good” vertical connection with Alloh is not necessary properly implemented to the horizontal relationship with others.
We do not have high caliber leaders whom present good example. Many spiritual leaders are being selfish with their family business to maintain their wealth. They are more focusing on how to increase their Jamaah/Santri/Students, how to expand their Pesantren/School, how to maintain the position in Parliament, and so on. Naudzubillah. They miss big chunk of their big responsibility in this dunya (world) which is to guide and to protect the society to be inline with Sunnatulloh.
It is always easy to say, “Well… let’s start it over”. In reality not everything can be ctrl-alt-del and restart over. Our society is not a PC when the memory is fully occupied then we can simply restart it, log off or shut down. If we are doing that way, too many people will be suffered.
Just keep in mind, new generation is coming now. The next one will be here very soon. Are we going to let them fall in the same pit as we did? Believing without Seeing is more in our heart, it is not relying on our eyes. This is not easy task as many of us just take it for granted. If it turns out that shutting it down is the only option to make it right, then so be it. I am with you guys for this matter :-) Wallohuallam (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, The 1st of May 2013)
What is Klenik? In my childhood, Klenik is a phrase that associates with supernatural.

History shows that Islam is not the first religion comes in Indonesia. Many heritages support the evidence that Hindus came earlier in Indonesia. Even before Hindus, our ancestor believed in animism (spirit/soul) and dynamism (pagan). The manifestation of this belief has dragged them to perform ritual ceremony that lead to mystic. The leader of the ceremony is believed to have so much power (magic) that can control human nature. Indonesia is not the only places where people believe in this kind of mystic. There are many other places such as Egypt, India, Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Greece, Great Britain, and a lot more. What was there is the same happening here in our culture.
In his book, The Knight Templars and Freemasonry, Harun Yahya talked in detail the story of Mason and how this relates to Pagan. One of the findings in his book is during Crusade there was a special task forces of Crusaders that had main responsibility to secure an area where they found the script of Nabi Sulaiman (Prophet Solomon Alaihi Salam). They believed the script contains a bridge of communication (to command) between Human and Jin (Genie). They interpreted the script in a way to over power others. Hereditary, the script was kept as the most precious treasure that full of mystic and, of course, power of magic also come along.
Talking about magic, this is not something new in this century. Holy book Al-Qur'an acknowledged about Magic being used by Firaun’s Sorcerer against Prophet Moses Alaihi Salam. So, Magic indeed is exist and has been there for long time ago.
Nowadays, you can not deny that many malpractices of black magic like Santet (“send” a nail to human body), Gendam (hypnotism), Susuk (to make someone “look attractive”) or Pelet (to make someone else falling in love) are still exist in our society. If you are a follower concept of “seeing is believing”, then you will not believe it until you see it yourself or when you become a victim.
It is obvious that knowledge of Aqidah (Iman) is the most important aspect to put more attention within our society. I am not an Imam nor Syeikh, in my simple definition (you may have different one), Aqidah is "believing without seeing". Lacking this knowledge, it is only a matter of time to slip into Sirik (Shirk). Unfortunately, this kind of approach has been overlooked by many of us.
Our religious education is more focusing on ritual ceremony itself: how to perform sholat, how to perform Hajj, how to read and memorize Al-Quran, and so on. You can add the list to two pages and will still going on and on. We are not well educated to relate any daily activity with our belief. We are not well trained to unite our action anywhere, anytime. We equip ourselves with an automatic switch button on how we act depending on the place and situation. In other word, we are living in double standard dimension. The “so very good” vertical connection with Alloh is not necessary properly implemented to the horizontal relationship with others.
We do not have high caliber leaders whom present good example. Many spiritual leaders are being selfish with their family business to maintain their wealth. They are more focusing on how to increase their Jamaah/Santri/Students, how to expand their Pesantren/School, how to maintain the position in Parliament, and so on. Naudzubillah. They miss big chunk of their big responsibility in this dunya (world) which is to guide and to protect the society to be inline with Sunnatulloh.
It is always easy to say, “Well… let’s start it over”. In reality not everything can be ctrl-alt-del and restart over. Our society is not a PC when the memory is fully occupied then we can simply restart it, log off or shut down. If we are doing that way, too many people will be suffered.
Just keep in mind, new generation is coming now. The next one will be here very soon. Are we going to let them fall in the same pit as we did? Believing without Seeing is more in our heart, it is not relying on our eyes. This is not easy task as many of us just take it for granted. If it turns out that shutting it down is the only option to make it right, then so be it. I am with you guys for this matter :-) Wallohuallam (Prahoro Nurtjahyo, The 1st of May 2013)
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