A picture tells a thousand words, but the untold story is still left behind :-) These photos were taken when we all celebrated our happy day (no Saturday school at KJRI). We were fishing at Seawolf Park, Galveston, Texas, on Saturday, the 28th of October 2006.
We should bring home two big fishes if we were not too "exciting to pull it up". We broke one stick and loss the "possibility" of another big fish. It's alright, it was a great lesson learned about the rod, the bait, the net and most important thing is a lesson of law :-) One big fish is more than enough for 6 families, right? We are not a greedy type of person, are we? We will come back next time.
The big fish, called The Bull Reds, with 39 inches long is our main story. Do not know what the weight is. Probably around 50 lbs. In addition, we also caught 3 little fishes and 1 eel.
The story begins from here:

The 39 inches Bulls with us. Terlihat pada gambar di atas dari kiri ke kanan untuk para orang tua adalah Abang Helmi Pratikno, Cak Prahoro Nurtjahyo, Bang ErwinSyah Putra dan Uda Irzam. Sedang untuk anak-anak yang men-support acara ini, dari kiri ke kanan adalah Bisma, Deva, Fia (baju biru laut), Chinta, Satya dan Oliver.

We have to do postprocessing as shown in this photo (above). Bang Erwinsyah Putra took a lead on the postprocessing part. He cleaned the fish and... CUT it into two pieces. Now we know..... "Bro.. remember do not cut the fish"

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